Cost Comparison

Let’s do a little price comparison to see what it would cost if you wanted to build a website by yourself with similar features and performance to our amazing websites.
DIY sample costs for a comparable website and features


one-time upfront

Custom websites are expensive. You are going to pay between $999 for a bare-bones beginner site to over $4,500 for a feature-rich custom site. No hosting or support included.
Proof: here, here, and here


Web Hosting
per month

Prices for performance WordPress hosting range from $20 to $100 per month, depending on the amount of traffic you get. (Don’t even think about using $5 shared hosting).
Proof: here, here and here


Plugins / Themes
per month

To have a truly versatile WordPress site, you will need to purchase premium plugins and a quality theme. Most of these require a yearly license renewal.


Site Management
per month

Website management services that include theme and plugin updates, backups, and security monitoring start at $50 / month for just the basics and go up to $150 / month for full service.
Proof: here, here and here
Your DIY cost:
Not included: The many hours you will spend searching for a solid theme and reliable plugins, and then installing and figuring out how they work. And you’ll need to find a WordPress developer as well for support when things go bad. That’s another $50-150 per hour or per incident.


(or more) up front, plus:


per month
Thankfully, there is a more affordable solution…
Our all-in-one service
Website + Hosting + Plugins + Management + Support


per month
No setup fee. No contract.

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